Welcome to Adda Premier League

ADDA - Auctions

A place for friends to hang out !!!

  • We have players in 5 categories and each category for the Auction.
  • If in-case of injuries or unavailability of players after picking in the squad, the replacement player should be from the unsold players in the draft. Players who are not registered for APL are not allowed to play as replacement.
  • Owners should be aware of the bidding increments:
    1. Up to 10,000 points the increment will be by 1000 points,
    2. Once the player passes 10K points then increment will be in 2k points
    3. Once the players passes 20k price points then the auction increment will be in 5k
    4. Once the same player passed 50k+ points then the increment will be in 10k

Bidding Increments:

  1. 1000-10k(increment of 1k)
  2. 10k-20k(increment of 2k)
  3. 20-50k(increment of 5k)
  4. 50k+ (increments of 10k)
  • Every team should have minimum of 14 players and maximum of 18 players (That includes owner as a player and Marquee player)
  • Once auction is over and if there is still balance left or roster balance, we will re-auction only the unsold players (every owner will be given an opportunity to provide 3-5 unsold players of their choice to the Auctioneer)
  • During the auction placards should be displayed above the shoulders, so that auction placards are visible to moderators.
  • No out of state players are allowed in APL, we might need proof of residency of the players and it is Owner’s due diligence that players have NC state Residency and let us know if this is violated.
    a. We have clearly included in the registration form that this years APL is only for NC state residents.
  • We will provide cricket balls to each and every game along with team jersey,
  • Stumps, Cones, water and Gatorade etc are not provided by APL, It should be owners duty.

Disclaimer: We have an independent moderator for this auction, who is not related to cricket and APL.
In case of any issues during auction, the auction moderator and his team has every right to take a decision based on their judgement.
